Quentin Braet - Architecture Lead/In The Pocket - DevTalks Romania


Quentin Braet

Quentin Braet

Architecture Lead
In The Pocket

Quentin started his career in 2013 as a PhD researcher in IoT and wireless technologies, but quickly missed the practice of putting software in the hands of end users. That’s why in 2014 he shifted towards In The Pocket, a young Belgian company focusing on superior UX in the digital products they create, where he has been the architect for a variety of projects. He started in media and IoT, but quickly evolved towards the highly regulated finance world with Payconiq By Bancontact and tracks with major Belgian banks. In the last years, he was involved in In The Pockets main life science projects (e.g. Antelope Dx), adapting the way of working for this new set of requirements, while applying the learnings from other highly regulated markets in agile software development.