Technology enthusiasts shape the agenda of tech events through an IT study - DevTalks Romania

Technology enthusiasts shape the agenda of tech events through an IT study

The last 2 years have changed the need for consumption, but especially our habits. Tech events with over 5000 people moved to online, physical interaction no longer had borders and interpersonal relationships changed. The pandemic had its ups and downs and event organizers are adapting now to new habits and desires.

But what do you do when opinions are divided and you want to find out what would be the right environment for your participants? You launch a study to investigate the perceptions, needs, consumption habits and desires of IT professionals.

This post-pandemic need led to the launch by Catalyst Solutions of the IT Study addressed to tech events attendees. It aims to outline the market needs of technology employees and will shape a complex consumer analysis of IT events (needs, habits and desires).

"We consider it necessary to outline a realistic and current image of the IT events industry and the needs of the <dev/> community. We launched this study in October and it has so far been completed by over 1,600 participants from Romania and Moldova, the top responding cities being the most important tech hubs: Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov. The results will definitely help us to implement successful projects in 2023, because they will be designed around community needs. For example, 53.68% of the respondents have more than 5 years of experience and 36.83% have more than 7 years of experience, therefore we consider that IT professionals want share their voice so that the tech agenda for events will be designed by the community itself", Andreea Homoranu, New Concepts Manager. 

Completing the study takes an average of 15 minutes and before launching the questionnaire online, the organizers had a series of 1 to 1 interviews with IT professionals. Participants contribute to the future of tech events, but also have the chance to win gift cards worth a total of 1000 Ron and a double invitation to a tech festival with national and international professional guests from the IT&C industry.

The IT study is bilingual and can be completed HERE. In 2023, Catalyst Solutions will return with fresh insights that will be assimilated by more than 9 projects dedicated to the IT community.