Meet our @DevTalks speakers - Viktoriia Taraniuk - Manager in Embedded systems domain at GlobalLogic - DevTalks Romania

Meet our @DevTalks speakers - Viktoriia Taraniuk - Manager in Embedded systems domain at GlobalLogic

DevTalks 2022 - AI & Innovation. Humanity Reimagined will return on 8-10th of June with a Online & In-Person great edition!

We continue the series of #meetourspeakers through which the IT community will be able to meet the man behind the speaker. Today we will know better Viktoriia Taraniuk - Manager in Embedded systems domain at GlobalLogic.

Viktoriia will be live on  9th of June on QA & Testing Stage with a cool topic "How 5g influences the QA expertise". 

#What is your current role and responsibilities at GlobalLogic?

I am managing 3 projects in the EDGE domain. All of them are solving various tasks for IOT such as cyber security, cars communication, telemetry processing.

#What is your favorite part of your job?

I like that I can see things from different points of view and work with technologies of the future. In the embedded domain, engineers work with technologies that will be available for people in 10 or more years.

#What is the culture like at GlobalLogic and in your department in particular?

We work with cross-cultural projects. Openness, respect, and proactiveness are values that help to build relations with people around the world.

#What was your IT journey like? (something about school, learning, mentors, etc.)

I have had a good technical background since University, after that, I’ve spent some time on research. I have experience in sales, design, system administration, and even 3-d design. I prefer QA as the most interesting one.

#What are you working on normally, and what are you working on right now? (what product with which technologies)

  • EDGE intelligence in order to build safe infrastructure for cars and citizens
  • I’ve spent 8 years with a chip vendor and work very closely with quality of wireless connection
  • POCs for city infrastructure

#How has the industry changed in the last 5 years? How do you see the future? (some predictions for 5G)

The main market for 5g will be autonomous driving, safety, and services for end-user.

#3 keys ideas that the participants can take from your talk: How 5g influences the QA expertise.

  • Which areas will be affected by 5G
  • The interesting task to do test design
  • The basic architecture for IOT, EDGE, and Smart city stack of technologies

Don't miss the chance to meet Viktoriia on our QA & Testing Stage on 8-10th of June at DevTalks 2022 AI & Innovation. Humanity Reimagined!

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